Tanner Vaughn | Consequences of Internet Marketing in the Present Century

The present century that we live in has seen enormous leaps in the spheres of technology and communication. Barriers to communication like distance and time have almost wholly, and we currently live in a world where boundaries of a country mean little in the market which has expanded globally encompassing everything we see and influencing our way of life in significant ways. The World Wide Web has taken over the world with a storm and opened new boundaries and realms of communication enabling business transactions at a global scale.

Global impact of internet marketing

Everything from news, overseas communication to international products is now within reach of our fingertips. According to Tanner Vaughn, The advances made by the internet have been both revolutionary and extraordinary in the fields of personal modes of communication and global business transactions. Within a few years, the reach of the market has increased exponentially to our doorsteps irrespective of distance. This has created not only a boom in the economy but also contributed to the spheres of internet marketing, which is now a rage among companies trying to utilize the market to its full potential.

In the previous century, the traditional market was fraught with the inability of the companies to successfully conduct business internationally due to a lack of swift communication and a reliable source of marketing. As Tanner Vaughn duly noted,except a handful corporate giants who had the monopoly of the global market, no small-scale company was able to explore this valuable region without potential risks of massive losses. Also, a detailed survey of the geographic and demographic patterns was too hard to conduct, time-consuming and monetarily demanding, therefore, discouraging international ventures. However, all of that changed with the induction of the Internet in our lives.

The future of the market

Companies, irrespective of their scale of business could now venture and explore the previously unexplored areas of marketing. The internet marketing was also much more cost effective and rewarding than other forms of techniques previously used and had more significant potential to earn profits. This was caused due to the exponentially increasing trend of users joining the internet. As more and more people flooded in, companies realized the potential of such a marked and developed various tools to achieve this purpose with ease.

The sudden explosion in the internet marketing sector also caused the IT firms formed in basements and garages to transform into companies worth billions in the market almost overnight. The tools generally used in the sector of internet marketing today are numerous and ingeniously developed as well by the companies to grab the attention of customers. Webpage optimization, social media advertisement, pop up adds are among the few tools regularly used by such companies to advertise their products. 

As a result of globalized marketing through the internet, consumers now can come directly in contact with the seller thereby eliminating intermediaries and considerably reducing the cost of products.  Availability of a global platform also ensures that the customer has a plethora of products to choose from. All this makes the internet marketing the future of today in a consumer-oriented world.


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